Avoid These Landscape Photography Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Photos

Don’t Ruin Your Photos By These Landscape Photography Mistakes!

Sometimes you are not so happy with your landscape photos and feel disappointed about your work. Sometimes you may blame the gear and think it would be better by new equipment.

Well, it’s not about the gear every time. You probably make the same mistakes many other photographers do while shooting landscapes.

This great article shows you some landscape photography mistakes that could ruin your photos.

Read through this, check out the photos and let us know what you think!

If your photos aren’t turning out the way you expect them to, new gear is not necessarily the answer. In fact, chances are you are making one of these seven common mistakes. Don’t be discouraged though; just as a musician needs time to refine their skills, so does a photographer. Once you recognize where the problem lies, it’s easy to make adjustments and achieve better results the next time out.

1) Shooting at the Wrong Time of Day

Harsh afternoon sunlight can wreak havoc on a landscape photo. With bright highlights and dark shadows, the contrast makes for especially difficult exposures. For truly dramatic scenic opportunities, dedicate the hours around sunrise and sunset to photography. You’ll be amazed at how few people are there to clutter your composition. With the soft light and colorful skies, your photos will take on a new level of natural beauty.


2) Your Images Lack a Clear Subject

When you experience something grand, it’s tempting to try and include it all into one frame. The expansive landscape is undeniably beautiful but it’s lacking in any one point of importance. Before pressing the shutter, ask yourself “What is my subject?” If you’re able to provide an answer, you can learn to see like a camera. The human eye interprets a scene differently, heavily influenced by our peripheral vision and ability to scan from left to right. The camera however sees in a much simpler way, only able to record a small portion onto the sensor. By determining what the subject is, you can take the necessary steps to make an effective photo.


3) No Foreground

The gentle hues of dawn are worth getting out of bed for, but color alone won’t hold the viewer’s interest. To make a dramatic impact on your scenic and travel images, find a strong foreground element. This can be a field of flowers, a boulder, tree, or even a man-made object. The idea is to add visual interest all the way through the frame. As you explore various options, try several perspectives including ground level. By having this location worked out in advance, you’ll be ready to capture the fleeting light.


4) Lazy Composition

At nearly every scenic vista or photographic landmark, you’ll notice a definitive dirt spot where grass once grew. This well-worn spot is the final destination for scores of tourists who shoot the same photo year after year. Rather than following the crowd, take a quick loop around the area and search for unique perspectives. To more effectively communicate your vision, check all four corners of your viewfinder, and either zoom or physically move to make a stronger image. Do you need the fence in the bottom corner, or the tree that seems to enter the frame from nowhere? This type of attention to detail will help strengthen the composition in-the-camera which saves you time at home trying to clone out unwanted objects.


Read the full article at Digital-Photography-School.com and learn more about the mistakes right there:

7 Landscape Photography Mistakes That Could be Ruining Your Photos


Article Source: 7 Landscape Photography Mistakes That Could be Ruining Your Photos

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