Check Out These Astonishing People Photos From Nepal!
People photography is an art of reflecting a nation characteristic. A smart travel photographer cannot be satisfied by only landscape and architecture photographs, he or she may enrich the collection by more photos including people photographs.
Nepal, located in south Asia, is an amazing country, not only because of its breathtaking landmarks including the Himalayas, but also its people.
This collection is just an example of some astonishing people photos from different regions of Nepal taken by professional photographers and published on
Just check out the following photos one by one, enjoy and share 🙂
1. Guru and the iPad!
2. The innocent boy:
3. Laughing unconditionally:
4. Walking through the snow:
5. Praying for Nepal:
6. Shepherd of the Mountains:
7. Journey of life:
8. A portrait of an old woman that never gets old:
9. Innocent kids:
10. The man behind the bar:
11. I Love You:
12. Walking on the fresh snow:
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